Executive Health Evaluations focus on screening participants for health risks and morbidities, creating personalised strategies to reduce or eliminate potential risks.

These specialised assessments cater for the unique requirements of management and executive staff, and are designed to identify areas where action may be required and provide education and motivation to enable staff to adopt health and wellness initiatives that fit into their busy schedules.

A key component of workplace wellness is an organisation’s health and safety policy, which is to ensure that workers’ health and welfare are protected. Risks factors such as repetitive physical tasks, dangerous working conditions, exposure to hazardous substances, or high stress levels can compromise workers’ health and welfare.

Implementing a health and safety policy that includes Executive Health Evaluations serves to mitigate risk by allowing workers an internal channel to raise their general health related issues. It also provides management teams with an oversight tool in understanding specific risks at the workplace. The Queensland Government (2021) has outlined that healthy workers are productive workers and support leadership in work health and wellbeing programs.

On the other hand, organisations unable to provide Executive Health Evaluations might face increased employee absenteeism and healthcare related cost due to workplace related employee health claims. According to Safe Work Australia (2020), the industries facing the highest rate of injury and fatalities are:

  1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
  2. Transport, postal and warehousing
  3. Electricity, gas, water and waste services
  4. Mining
  5. Construction

Sonic HealthPlus offers three tiers of Executive Health Evaluations: Classic, Comprehensive and Premium. Each of these tiers includes a robust Executive Health Assessment medical, fitness and lifestyle assessment, evaluation of overall health status, and practical advice to ensure long-term health and wellness can be achieved.

Based on the tier selected, the assessment areas covered may include: Pathology, body composition, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, psychological, hearing, blood sugar, musculoskeletal, men and women’s health, skin checks, blood and lymphatic system, and lifestyle risk analysis.

Executive Health Assessments are conducted by Sonic HealthPlus’ team of qualified medical professionals including specially trained doctors, exercise physiologists and clinic staff. Depending upon your requirements, an evaluation can take between 60 to 180 minutes and will be carried out in comfortable surroundings by our friendly and efficient medical staff. Executive Health Evaluations are offered at all of our major CBD clinics.

Contact our Client Partner team, who will guide you through the process of determining the most appropriate service to suit your organisational needs.


Queensland Government. (2021). Workplace conditions, health and safety.


Safe Work Australia. (2020). Key work health and safety statistics, Australia 2020.                


Kate Rowan-Robinson
RN, BN, GradDipSexol, MACN

As a key member of the Clinical Governance Team leading our Nurses, Kate has also contributed to the wider nursing community through her work outside Sonic HealthPlus. Kate has had several articles published in the International Journal of Nursing Practice, Nursing Standard, British Journal of Community Nursing and Public Health Nursing.

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