Drug and Alcohol Screening
Screening for the presence of Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) is becoming increasingly important in the workplace as the impact of improper alcohol and recreational drug use can present serious health and safety risks to both individuals and workplaces.
Types of Testing
Saliva and urine testing are the two main types of tests performed during drug and/or alcohol screening.
Specialist Screening Services
Once you have received a screening result, you may require additional assistance to aid your understanding.
Industry Specific Services
Certain industries and authority groups must comply with industry-specific drug and alcohol legislation.
Sonic HealthPlus is one of the few Australian providers with NATA accreditation for specimen collection and detection/quantitation of drugs of abuse in urine.
Make a Booking
There are three easy options to book into a clinic for your Drug and Alcohol Screening.
Complete our enquiry form below and one of our qualified client partners will be in touch.
- How it works
- Types of Testing
- Specialist Screening Services
- Industry Specific Services
- Accreditation
- Make a Booking
- Enquire