Employment Services

Sonic HealthPlus provides a range of services both onsite and clinic based, to ensure your workforce remains healthy long term.  These services can be engaged as a stand-alone service when required and include: audiometry, spirometry, fitness and musculoskeletal tests as well as vaccinations and travel medicine and drug and alcohol testing.


There are various reasons for doing audiometric testing for employees in the workplace setting. An employer may request testing:

At pre-employment to see if a potential candidate can hear a normal conversation. Called ‘screening audiometry’.

To see if a person’s hearing meets a company’s minimum specified hearing standards, also called ‘screening audiometry’ with minimum acceptability criteria set by a company. (Note: this testing does not meet regulatory requirements where a call centre/client facing company has a hearing conservation program due to workplace noise exposure levels.)

As a baseline as per the statutory requirements for the state the business is situated in. A legislative baseline test result is recorded and further monitoring testing will indicate the impact of any long term noise exposure. Specific reporting criteria and an ongoing monitoring program may be required, depending on the state.

Where workers are exposed to workplace noise and as part of a company’s hearing conservation program, where testing must comply with AS/NZS 1269.4:2014 Occupational Noise Management criteria. Called Occupational Noise Management Audiometry, employees who are tested will often use personal hearing protection in their role and need to undergo audiometric testing prior to commencing a new role. Testing will need to continue at a minimum, every two years (monitoring). Review and reporting requirements are specified. 

Sonic HealthPlus clinics have audiometric testers that are appropriately trained to complete testing using procedures and equipment that comply with the relevant standards required to meet the specific workplace need. Only Legislative Baseline Assessments and Occupational Noise Management Audiometry will provide legally defensible results that will measure changes to hearing relevant to excessive noise exposure and assist to limit liability for future hearing loss claims as well as monitor the impact of noise exposure on a long term basis.

Audiometry Testing: How it works

Hearing tests measure what sounds a person can and cannot hear. Testing is performed by a trained operator in a quiet test room or sound booth that has been assessed and certified as suitable for testing. At Sonic HealthPlus we test hearing with calibrated audiometers presenting pure tone sounds through a set of headphones.

The simplest test of hearing ability is called Pure Tone Audiometry where the worker listens to a range of beep tones presented in varying degrees of loudness and pitch (frequency) and then responds by pressing a response button whenever they hear the sound. The loudness (decibels) of each tone is reduced until the worker can just hear the sound. The softest sound a person can hear is their hearing threshold for a particular frequency of sound.  Both left and right ears are tested individually for a range of frequencies as per the steps determined in the Sonic HealthPlus audiometry procedure, by AS1269:4.2014 or relevant regulatory body where applicable.

The worker’s hearing thresholds are plotted on a graph/table called an audiogram which also captures their hearing medical history. Dependent on the type of testing requested, the results would be:

  • reviewed by the clinic doctor for normal hearing criteria and a copy provided to the worker if referral to a general practitioner is required
  • reviewed and submitted to the relevant regulatory body eg. WorkCover WA and a copy provided to the employee
  • reviewed by our specialised services team’s appointed doctor and a report issued to the employer and the employee as per AS1269.4:2014 requirements for occupational noise management and company hearing conservation programs

Bring: photo identification

Estimate appointment time: 10 minutes

Do: have 16 hours of quiet time before the test

Don’t: expose yourself to loud noises such as music, riding a motorbike or travelling in an airplane

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