Getting a good night's sleep is important as it keeps us both physically and mentally healthy.
Here are some tips to help you catch some z’s.
- Get out of bed as soon as you wake up – don’t hit snooze
- Try to get out of bed the same time each morning
- Get some fresh air
- Do some physical activity
- Don’t nap
- Problem solve things that are keeping you awake at night
- Get some exercise
- Avoid caffeine after 4pm
- Stay away from energy drinks!
- Don’t go to bed too early
- Avoid using alcohol to help you sleep
- Don’t smoke within two hours of going to bed
- Don’t go to bed hungry
- Avoid backlit screens such as TVs, computers and iPads
- Read a book
- Keep your room cool, quiet and dark
- Avoid too many blankets
If you’re still not sleeping well and need some help – whether sleep related or general health related – here are a few people you can talk to.
Mind Health Connect
Resources, tips and self-tests
Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636
13 11 14