ResHealth FAQ


When do I have to start using ResHealth?

RSHQ is transitioning to ResHealth and the health assessment process is moving online. This transition has already commenced and will continue throughout the remainder of 2022 and in to early 2023. From 1 April 2023 it will be mandatory for all coal mine worker health assessments to be started through ResHealth.

What is a HA reference?

The HA reference is used to find a health assessment in ResHealth. Each time a health assessment is started it will have a unique reference. This is so that the employer, worker and medical professional can access the relevant part of the health assessment they are completing.

Explanatory Notes for the Coal Mine Worker

Download the Explanatory Notes for the Coal Mine Worker - Health Assessment Report (Section 4) here


How do I start using ResHealth?

You will need to nominate a super user who will register your company and themselves at the same time. The super user will need to verify their identity. This person will be the administrator for ResHealth and control who can access ResHealth on your company’s behalf.

Can I use ResHealth for booking a health assessment examination?

ResHealth does not arrange medical appointments. Appointments should be booked with medical providers directly. For any modifications or cancellations to an appointment made your medical provider will also need to be contacted directly.

How does the worker complete their section if they don’t have access to a computer or email address?

Workers do need a personal email address to register with QGov and use ResHealth. Workers can access support to complete their section from the same sources as they do now when completing the paper form – they may seek support from their employer or a friend or family member. The worker section in ResHealth is mobile-friendly so workers can complete their section anywhere, on any device, such as a tablet or smart phone.


What is ResHealth?

ResHealth is the new online solution for completing your Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme health assessment (historically known as the coal board medical).

What do I need to know to make an appointment?

Your employer will start the process by sending you an email with a link and reference.

When do I need to complete my part of the online health assessment?

You will need to register and complete your section of the health assessment before attending your medical examination.

I want to arrange my own health assessment to get a job in the mine industry, is this possible?

No. An employer must arrange and pay for a health assessment for you before you start work with them as a coal mine worker.  Your employer, or prospective employer, will initiate your health assessment process within ResHealth.  You should speak to your prospective employer about the health assessment arrangements that they will make. 

Sole traders are also able to pay for health assessments.