Seminars are presented by knowledgeable wellness consultants. Sixty minute and toolbox (15 minute) seminars are available.

We also provide a variety of seminars delivered by specialised presenters including our dieticians, sleep physiologists and psychologists.

Seminars are complemented by a range of take home resources.

View Seminar Topics

Key seminar topics include:

Lifestyle Management

An insight into the health and wellness behaviours and programs designed to promote positive lifestyles, aiding in reducing your risk for chronic disease.

Mental Wellbeing

A look into the current mental wellbeing picture in Australia, beginning to look at perceptions and building a positive stigma through increased awareness, while learning tools and strategies to help reduce known signs and symptoms. 

Injury Prevention and Control

With injuries being a major burden of disease in Australia, in particular the workplace, up to date education and awareness is provided around preventable injury causes (including sleep and sun health).

Personal Health

Insight into increasing awareness around our own personal health, through gender health aligning with our birth physiology, to hygiene and winter health.