Protecting yourself at the office from COVID
Wednesday, 26 Jan 2022

As many of us work in an office setting, we experience an increased risk of exposure to COVID-19.We spend long hours in close proximity to our colleagues in a confined space. This article will outline how COVID-19 spreads, work situations to look out for, a daily 2 minute guide for cleaning your work station, and when to get tested.

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What will the COVID new normal look like?
Thursday, 04 Nov 2021

COVID-19 has impacted our way of life at almost every level.  In the context of work, it has forced us as employers, employees and contractors to adapt our thinking and approach to workplaces and work methods with a view to minimising transmission risk and disruption so as to ensure ongoing productivity.  Here at Sonic HealthPlus, we’re continuing to provide best practice COVID-19 clinical advice, and develop and help implement risk minimisation strategies with and for our clients based on risk averse principles and sound research.

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COVID-19 Social Distancing
Friday, 21 Aug 2020

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you must stay at home to prevent it spreading to other people. You might also be asked to stay at home if you have potentially been exposed to the virus. Social distancing is the act of limiting contact with others in order to limit or stop the spread of infectious diseases. In encompasses many things and employers and employees all have an obligation to do their utmost to limit the spread of disease in the current environment.

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Returning to the Office after COVID-19
Wednesday, 13 May 2020

With Social Distancing restrictions slowly starting to ease, it poses the questions – how do I bring my workforce back into the office and workplace? Many business and employees will welcome the opportunity to return to work when given the green light by the Government. However simply inviting everyone back into work on Monday is not the safest approach and a well thought out plan should be put in place to ensure your workforce stay safe and healthy when they return to work after COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Business Continuity Planning
Tuesday, 17 Mar 2020

Operational resilience is a key objective during global events such as the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. As part of our pandemic preparedness planning, Sonic HealthPlus (SHP) has implemented contingency measures aimed at mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on our workforce and clients with a view to minimising impact on service delivery.

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